Water – A Gift You Can Give Your Cardiovascular System

Water is a gift you can give to yourself every day. Its benefits are endless. Water has a big impact on your cardiovascular system as well. In these summer temperatures, you are losing more water due to perspiration. It’s important to know how much and why you need to stay hydrated during these summer days.
How Much Water Do You Need To Drink?
According to WebMD it is recommended that you drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. This can vary depending on how much you exercise, your health, and how hot or dry your climate is.
Why Do I Need To Drink Water?
When your body is dehydrated it no longer has sufficient fluid to deliver blood to your organs. Dehydration will cause strain on your hearth. During dehydration, the amount of your blood circulating through your body decreases. Your heart then tries to compensate by beating faster. This increases your heart rate and can cause you to feel palpitations. Your blood will also retain more sodium, which makes it harder for it to circulate through your body. Your heart never stops working. It pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood per day. When you drink more water than you are losing you are helping it do its job.
Contact Dr. Alan Benvenisty to discuss your water intake and any other cardiovascular concerns you may have. He will help guide you in ensuring you are sufficiently hydrating your body for optimal results and health.
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