The Importance of Keeping Your Kidneys in Good Health

Kidneys are organs that perform many important functions within the body. Most people are aware that the kidneys are responsible for the removal of waste products and excess fluids, allowing them to be expelled from the body as urine.
The kidneys also perform many other important functions to keep the body working at optimal levels. These functions include regulating levels of salt, acid and potassium. As hormone-producing organs, the kidneys help regulate blood pressure levels and encourage the production of red blood cells. The kidneys also allow the safe removal of drugs from the bloodstream.
Kidney Health
Given the importance of kidneys, it makes sense to be aware of the conditions that may affect these organs. Undoubtedly, one of the leading causes of kidney disease is uncontrolled diabetes. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, has also been associated with the development of disease in the kidneys. Medications, including those prescribed by a healthcare provider or illicitly obtained drugs, can put additional pressure on the kidneys and cause them to deteriorate.
Some conditions known to affect the kidneys are hereditary and include cystinuria, hyperoxaluria, polycystic kidney disease and Alport’s Syndrome. There are also congenital diseases that can damage the kidneys in the long term, including glomerulonephritis and urinary tract abnormalities present from birth. Some infections that may be perceived as relatively minor can ultimately impair the kidneys over the long term. These include kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Kidney Disease Treatment
The most frightening aspect of kidney disease is that it may not present any symptoms in the early stages. Yet, early diagnosis and treatment is important to avoid advanced stage kidney disease and renal failure. You should seriously consider arranging a test of your kidney function if you have diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. This is also the case if anyone in your family has been diagnosed with kidney disease. Research has also shown that kidney disease is significantly prevalent among African-Americans.
Dr. Alan Benvenisty understands that undergoing treatment for kidney disease can be daunting, and seeks to make the prospect of dialysis or a transplant to be the last possible option. Kidney disease can be managed by lifestyle changes, medications or minimally invasive procedures. The most important thing is to obtain an early diagnosis.
If you suspect you may be at risk of developing kidney disease, contact Dr. Benvenisty at his offices on Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY today.
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New York, NY 10025
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Monday & Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM